The 'Bhopal Enigma' joins a march in London on the 28th July 2012
The Bhopal legacy
The poisonous gas that escaped from the Pesticide factory in Bhopal thirty years ago immediately killed hundreds during that night. Then continued to kill and maim thousands more because it was never cleaned up. The Company Director fled back to the protection of the United States. The Water Table continues to be contaminated by these chemicals thirty years later. |
The Fears
We can say 'No' to a MacDonalds or a Coca Cola (although maybe not at this years London Olympics) or any other brand for that matter whilst we still have the free choice. But we cannot say 'No' to our everyday meals. And we don't say no because we don't know whether they are covered with chemicals or not. We try to wash the chemicals off, but sometimes they have gone inside through the roots or the leaves. And do we know what is in our water? About The Protest March |
Funny you should say that !
The Powers That Be seem to be telling us that Nicotine is harmful and we should not smoke. In a similar breath in the UK they are saying that the Nicotine based Pesticides that have decimated the bees (and much more) are safe enough to use on our food and in our homes. So they have given these now most common and deadly chemicals a hard to pronounce or remember name - neonicotinoids Coincidence It is August 2012 and as soon as I had written the above comments Professor Bill Kunin, the Conservation Ecologist from Leeds University arrived with his family in the holiday cottage next door. This was out of the blue, a pure coincidence. I had never met him before. Bill Kunin was also fully involved in the University of Leeds Gold Award winning Garden at Chelsea. He reminded me how, after a long journey, we used to have to stop to wipe all the dead insects off our windscreens. And that does not happen any more. He was talking about America, I was remembering old journeys in England. That is the plain fact. It is worth looking at some of his research from the links. |
The Bhopal and Agent Orange Legacies
Everyone is focusing on the dreadful damage done by these chemicals in other countries. We are not so concerned because it does not affect us.
The trouble is the chemicals really have got into the water in Bhopal, and it seems that chemicals that have been put on the crops (our food) here in England have also got into the water. We received notices from the local council stating that our water was not drinkable due to farm chemicals.
Bhopal was a pesticide factory. To know more about the affect of pesticides on us all, see the page by Nick Mole of PAN UK
Let us clean up Bhopal in India because that is a concentrated mess, and Vietnam too.
Then let's clean everywhere up for our children and our children's children.
Nick Mole of PAN UK gave a talk about pesticides at the Forum in Cork Street at the opening of this exhibtion 'Race into Time'.