Dance Sketches from life, the dancing figure, drawings from the mutual core and music from Eastern Dance to Argentine Tango
Synallaboration The confluence of music, art and dance spontaneously improvised and taking inspiration simultaneously between each of the participants thus making the performance one whole work of art; the sketches being its distilled residue.
Music, Drawing and Dance
Sculpture The sculptures are placed in environments appropriate to their meaning and intent. Their exhibition is part of the journey between meaningful environments. The sculpture safari has just been rediscovered after being hidden in a warehouse near New York where it has been for 18 years.
Sketched from life, the naked body in fleeting or continuous motion
Environment and Endangered Species Since Stephen Vince's early environmental work during the last century, the environment has now become an urgent issue in this century. The 'line-out' sculptures are now a reality, reflecting creatures disappearing.