The Counter Corporate Olympics March on July 28th
At the moment the following words can be seen on the Organisers Website July 28th Counter Olympics March in Bow!The Counter Olympics Network staged a mass rally through Bow in East London on Saturday 28th July attended by around 1000 people bringing together over 50 organisations representing many different concerns about the Olympics, including corporate campaigns against Olympic sponsors like Dow, G4S, BP, Rio Tinto, Atos and Adidas and local campaigns over the seizure of land at Leyton Marsh, Greenwich Park and Wanstead Flats, the closure of tow paths and the placing of missiles on blocks of flats and in parks. Trade unions and campaigns against the cuts protested against the misuse of resources while representatives from NoSochi2014 and RioOnWatch made this an international occasion. The march was followed by speeches, plays, poetry and performances, notably dancing by the Circassian NoSochi campaigners and a performance by Reclaim the Bard. The Vancouver Poverty Olympics Torch, which was kindly provided by Vancouver activists, was passed on to the NoSochi group to continue to provide a focus of protest against the bloated circus that is the Olympics. |
Supporters on the March
At the moment the following words can be seen on this page of the Organisers Website The following organisations are supporting the Counter Olympics Network’s Whose Games? Whose City? Demonstration against the Corporate Games on July 28th Action East End ALARM Athletes Against Dow Chemical’s Olympic Sponsorship BADHOC Black Activists Rising Against Cuts Blacklist Support Group Bread and Circuses Brent Trades Council Camden and Islington Unite Community Branch Coalition of Resistance Communities against the Cuts Counterfire Defend the Right to Protest Disabled People Against Cuts Drop Dow Now East London Against Arms Fairs G4S Campaign Games Monitor Grunts for the Arts Hackney Green Party Hackney Trades Council Hackney Woodcraft Folk Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers Haringey Trades Council Islington Hands Off Our Public Services Islington Trades Council Jewish Socialist Group Lewisham People Before Profit Lewisham Stop the War Lewisham Trades Council London Green Party London Mining Network Netpol Newham Monitoring Project No Games Chicago No Sochi 2014 Occupy London One Law For All Our Olympics Partizans People and Planet RioOnWatch Save Leyton Marsh Campaign Socialist Workers Party Space Hijackers Stop the Olympic Missiles Thurrock Heckler UK Tar Sands Network Vancouver Citywide Housing Coalition Vancouver Renters Union Waltham Forest Trades Council War on Want Youth Fight For Jobs |